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Revolution Slider Error: Slider with alias feature-friendly-admin-panel not found.

Maybe you mean: 'home' or 'slider2'

Advanced Theme Panel

iMedica comes with a well designed and categorized admin panel built with Advanced Redux Framework. You can control Site Layout, Logo and Icons, Blog Templates, Site Header, Top Header Bar, Page Header, Footer, Sidebar, Menus, Typography, Styling, Social Media Icons and much more. All these settings are categorized and placed strategically for you to have an Ultimate experience of flexibility with ease.

With this level of simplicity, making customizations was never easier.

iMedica is 100% Responsive.

iMedica is Responsive & Looks Great On All Screen Sizes. The admin panel it’s simple, yet very flexible, so you can customize each & everything as you wish.

Header Options

Header is an important part of a website and we understand this. iMedica comes with predefined header layouts so you can customize the location of menu, logo, top bar. Moreover, you can set a header to be transparent so placing an image behind is easy. Sticky header navigation is available too!

Full Width, Boxed & Fluid Layouts

iMedica covers all your needs, whether it’s a full width, boxed or fluid Layout

Fullwidth Layout

Set the container of your website in some particular dimension and let the background objects, menu & footer stretch to the full width.

Boxed Layout

Want to set the website to fit in fixed box? This option will help! Further you can apply a pattern or background image in the background.

Fluid Layout

As fluid means, this option will make the container go fluid and reach the boundaries. This is optimal where you need complete flexibility.
Revolution Slider Error: Slider with alias feature-built-for-speed not found.

Maybe you mean: 'home' or 'slider2'

iMedica is Flexible

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SEO Friendly Code

Structured web pages for both search engines and human visitors.

Consectetur Adipiscing Elit

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